Ishares Interest Rate Hedged 10 (CLYH) 23.94 $CLYH
Post# of 273257

14 Hedged Bond ETFs to Diminish Rising Rate Risks (ETF Trends) - ETF Trends - Mon May 23, 4:07PM CDT
A rising interest rate environment will weigh on fixed-income portfolios. Bond traders do not need to sacrifice yield-generation to diminish rate risk. Instead, investors can look to rate-hedged or zero-duration bond exchange traded funds. A...
EMBH: 25.00 (unch), HYZD: 23.25 (unch), HYIH: 22.61 (+0.02), HYHG: 65.80 (+0.19), AGND: 42.40 (-0.20), HYGH: 87.41 (+0.51), HYND: 19.54 (+0.07), IGHG: 73.90 (+0.19), IGIH: 23.81 (unch), THHY: 22.94 (+0.22), LQDH: 92.25 (+0.10), CLYH: 23.94 (+0.02), AGZD: 47.76 (-0.17), EMIH: 24.74 (unch)
28 ETFs for Investment-Grade Corporate Bond Exposure (ETF Trends) - ETF Trends - Wed May 11, 4:15PM CDT
Bond investors who are wary of dipping too far into junk bond territory but want better yield payouts than Treasuries may consider investment-grade corporate bond exchange traded funds. Currently, credit spreads are falling. Looking at corporate...
LDRI: 25.19 (-0.06), SLQD: 50.81 (+0.01), VCIT: 89.16 (+0.26), SCPB: 30.74 (+0.04), VCSH: 80.51 (+0.02), MINC: 48.97 (+0.02), IGIH: 23.81 (unch), FCOR: 50.99 (+0.15), LQDH: 92.25 (+0.10), CLY: 62.64 (+0.49), LWC: 42.50 (+0.40), QLTA: 53.39 (+0.11), CSJ: 105.71 (+0.01), PFIG: 25.94 (-0.03), ITR: 34.79 (+0.06), SKOR: 51.82 (+0.13), VCLT: 94.57 (+0.60), IGHG: 73.90 (+0.19), FLTB: 50.86 (+0.02), CLYH: 23.94 (+0.02), CBND: 32.83 (+0.05), LQD: 122.47 (+0.62), CORP: 106.05 (+0.31), IGU: 69.00 (+0.51), CIU: 111.04 (+0.16), RAVI: 75.53 (+0.01), IGS: 25.29 (-0.06)