I love warren buffet quotes. one of them is that
Post# of 75206

i'm not saying that i haven't taken a chance on some esoteric penny stocks and have had them pay off well, as i have, but the vast majority of them have not paid off for me, and every time it happens I always think that warren buffet might just be a bit smarter than myself.
damn warren buffet. ha.
but anyway, Roger, your point is made. Sure, if RMHB was profitable it would sell for way more money. So, sure, they are getting a better deal than if it were a bigger profitable company.
This is just me but I would love know more about this deal, and as I state, the LOI is not a deal at all. When the deal really happens, that will be a huge PR. But what happens after that? Certainly more money infused and a more experienced management helps our cause, but there are a lot of dots to still connect.
I'm hoping for the best.