Atlas Fincl Hld Ord (AFH) 17.32 $AFH Atlas Fina
Post# of 273257

Atlas Financial (AFH) Q2 Earnings Beat on Higher Revenues
Zacks Equity Research - Zacks Investment Research - Tue Aug 02, 9:02AM CDT
Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc. (AFH) reported second-quarter 2016 operating income of 59 cents per share, which comfortably surpassed the Zacks Consensus Estimate of 37 cents. Earnings also increased 18% year over year on higher revenues.
RLI: 70.93 (+0.42), AFH: 17.32 (-0.37), FAF: 42.97 (+0.10), TRV: 118.84 (+0.49)
Atlas Financial Holdings Announces 2016 Second Quarter Financial Results
BusinessWire - Mon Aug 01, 3:15PM CDT
--Second Quarter 2016 Financial Performance Summary (comparisons to Second Quarter 2015 unless noted):
AFH: 17.32 (-0.37)
P&C Insurers Q2 Earnings Around the Corner: AFH, CNA & More
Zacks Equity Research - Zacks Investment Research - Fri Jul 29, 9:36AM CDT
Let's see what's in store for four P&C insurers AFH, CNA, ENH, MCY, OB, WTM that are reporting earnings results on Aug 1.
WTM: 827.76 (+3.65), AFH: 17.32 (-0.37), MCY: 54.82 (+0.63), ENH: 66.32 (+0.48), OB: 14.14 (+0.05), CNA: 33.69 (+0.43)
Atlas Financial Holdings Announces 2016 First Quarter Financial Results
BusinessWire - Mon May 09, 3:07PM CDT
--First Quarter 2016 Financial Performance Summary (comparisons to First Quarter 2015 unless noted):
AFH: 17.32 (-0.37)
Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc. to Host Investor Day and Annual Meeting on Monday, May 16, 2016
BusinessWire - Wed Apr 27, 7:30AM CDT
Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:AFH) ("Atlas"

AFH: 17.32 (-0.37)
Atlas Financial Holdings Schedules 2016 First Quarter Financial Results and Conference Call
BusinessWire - Tue Apr 26, 11:00AM CDT
Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: AFH) ("Atlas" or the "Company"

AFH: 17.32 (-0.37)
Company News for April 11, 2016
Zacks Equity Research - Zacks Investment Research - Mon Apr 11, 9:10AM CDT
Companies in the News are: AFH,RT,WDFC,VRX
WDFC: 120.34 (+1.49), VRX: 28.76 (-0.36), RT: 3.13 (+0.03), AFH: 17.32 (-0.37)
Will Higher Costs Hurt LendingClub (LC) Earnings Yet Again?
Zacks Equity Research - Zacks Investment Research - Tue Feb 09, 11:10AM CST
Will LendingClub be able to maintain its earnings streak this quarter? Or will mounting expenses hurt its results again?
ACAS: 17.05 (+0.13), LC: 5.40 (+0.10), AFH: 17.32 (-0.37), CNO: 16.15 (+0.12)
Atlas Financial Beats Q3 Earnings on Solid Underwriting
Zacks Equity Research - Zacks Investment Research - Wed Nov 11, 2:55PM CST
Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc. (AFH) reported third-quarter 2015 operating income of 46 cents per share, outperforming the Zacks Consensus Estimate of 33 cents.
PGR: 32.47 (-0.05), RLI: 70.93 (+0.42), AFH: 17.32 (-0.37), TRV: 118.84 (+0.49)
Atlas Financial Holdings to Present at the JMP Securities Insurance Forum
BusinessWire - Thu Nov 05, 7:30AM CST
Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:AFH) ("Atlas" or the "Company"

AFH: 17.32 (-0.37)
5 High-Risk, High-Reward Stocks We're Watching
Brian Feroldi, Dan Caplinger, Matthew Frankel, Jordan Wathen, and Cheryl Swanson, The Motley Fool - Motley Fool - Fri Oct 23, 5:24AM CDT
Image source: Pictures of Money via Flickr Creative Commons. While we Fools tend to fill our portfolios with companies on rock-solid financial footing in dominate competitive positions, we certainly recognize that it can be prudent to invest in...
BLUE: 49.05 (-0.28), BIDU: 177.78 (+1.23), AFH: 17.32 (-0.37), CEMP: 22.11 (-0.18)
Kingsway Financial Services' Plan for Kobex Capital Means a Plan for Long-term Value Creation and Liquidity
CNW Group - Tue Oct 13, 6:40AM CDT
Kingsway Financial Services Inc. ("Kingsway"

UIHC: 14.99 (-0.88), PIH: 6.28 (+0.14), AFH: 17.32 (-0.37), KFS: 5.77 (+0.13), CXR.TO: 10.59 (-0.45)
Kingsway Financial Services to Kobex Capital Shareholders: Change Is On The Way
CNW Group - Thu Oct 01, 10:02AM CDT
Kingsway Financial Services Inc. ("Kingsway"

PIH: 6.28 (+0.14), AFH: 17.32 (-0.37), KFS: 5.77 (+0.13), KFS.TO: 7.30 (-0.01)
Kingsway Financial Services Inc. Requisitions Shareholder Meeting of Kobex Capital Corp.
CNW Group - Thu Sep 17, 3:26PM CDT
Kingsway Financial Services Inc. ("Kingsway"

PIH: 6.28 (+0.14), AFH: 17.32 (-0.37), KFS: 5.77 (+0.13), KXM.VN: 0.660 (unch), KFS.TO: 7.30 (-0.01)
A.M. Best Removes From Under Review and Affirms Ratings of Global Liberty Insurance Company of New York
BusinessWire - Wed Sep 16, 11:48AM CDT
A.M. Best has removed from under review with negative implications and affirmed the financial strength rating of B+ (Good) and the issuer credit rating of "bbb-" of Global Liberty Insurance Company of New York. (Global) (Melville, NY). The outlook assigned to both ratings is negative. Global is a subsidiary of Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc. (Atlas) (Cayman Islands) (NASDAQ:AFH).
AFH: 17.32 (-0.37)
Atlas Financial Holdings to Present at the Keefe, Bruyette & Woods 2015 Insurance Conference
BusinessWire - Tue Sep 08, 7:30AM CDT
Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:AFH) ("Atlas" or the "Company"

AFH: 17.32 (-0.37)
A.M. Best Removes Ratings From Under Review for Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc. and Certain Subsidiaries
BusinessWire - Thu Sep 03, 1:38PM CDT
A.M. Best has removed the ratings from under review with negative implications and affirmed the financial strength rating of B (Fair) and the issuer credit ratings (ICR) of "bb" of American Service Insurance Company Inc., American Country Insurance Company (both domiciled in Elk Grove Village, IL) and Gateway Insurance Company (St. Louis, MO). These companies are subsidiaries of Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc. (Atlas) (Cayman Islands) [NASDAQ:AFH] and operate under an intercompany reinsurance pooling agreement, collectively referred to as American Service Pool (ASI Pool). Concurrently, A.M. Best has removed the ratings from under review with negative implications and affirmed the ICR of "b-" of Atlas. The outlook assigned to all ratings is stable.
AFH: 17.32 (-0.37)
Atlas Financial Holdings to Present at Upcoming Investor Events
BusinessWire - Mon Aug 24, 7:30AM CDT
Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:AFH) ("Atlas"

AFH: 17.32 (-0.37)
Atlas Financial posts 2Q profit
Automated Insights - Mon Aug 03, 6:03PM CDT
ELK GROVE VILLAGE, Ill. (AP) _ Atlas Financial Holdings Inc. (AFH) on Monday reported second-quarter earnings of $3.9 million.
AFH: 17.32 (-0.37)