Wt Bofa ML HY Ngdr F (HYND) 19.25 $HYND What Do
Post# of 273258

What Does the Solid July Job Data Mean for Bond ETFs?
Zacks Equity Research - Zacks Investment Research - Mon Aug 08, 9:49AM CDT
As the U.S. job data came in better than expected, treasury bond yields rose and opened up opportunities for these ETFs.
DTYS: 12.61 (+0.27), TLT: 138.63 (-1.14), TMV: 16.23 (+0.37), DLBS: 12.18 (-0.08), HYND: 19.25 (+0.01), SHV: 110.34 (-0.01), AGND: 42.22 (+0.03)
6 ETFs to Buy in June
Zacks Equity Research - Zacks Investment Research - Fri Jun 03, 11:22AM CDT
Investors can reap profits out of these ETFs in June.
FPX: 54.11 (+0.29), XRLV: 28.12 (+0.17), UNG: 8.20 (-0.04), PSCC: 67.59 (+0.88), PEY: 15.86 (+0.15), HYND: 19.25 (+0.01)
14 Hedged Bond ETFs to Diminish Rising Rate Risks
editor@etftrends.com (ETF Trends) - ETF Trends - Mon May 23, 4:07PM CDT
A rising interest rate environment will weigh on fixed-income portfolios. Bond traders do not need to sacrifice yield-generation to diminish rate risk. Instead, investors can look to rate-hedged or zero-duration bond exchange traded funds. A...
EMBH: 25.26 (unch), HYZD: 23.48 (+0.10), HYIH: 22.70 (+0.05), HYHG: 66.05 (-0.04), AGND: 42.22 (+0.03), HYGH: 87.89 (+0.37), HYND: 19.25 (+0.01), IGHG: 74.68 (+0.81), IGIH: 23.90 (unch), THHY: 22.97 (unch), LQDH: 92.46 (-0.17), CLYH: 24.10 (+0.06), AGZD: 47.80 (-0.28), EMIH: 24.60 (-0.04)
Bond ETFs to Play if Fed Hikes in June
Zacks Equity Research - Zacks Investment Research - Fri May 20, 12:18PM CDT
If you are worrying about the stability of your bond portfolio on the strengthening bet over the June Fed rate hike, have a look at these bond ETFs.
FLTR: 24.91 (+0.02), TOTL: 50.02 (-0.07), RISE: 22.68 (+0.04), BABS: 66.93 (-0.27), TIPX: 19.64 (unch), HYND: 19.25 (+0.01)
5 Bond ETFs Crushing the S&P 500 This Quarter - ETF News And Commentary
Zacks Equity Research - Zacks Investment Research - Tue Jun 16, 10:40AM CDT
These bond ETFs returned higher than the S&P 500 this quarter.
STPP: 30.51 (+0.27), SPY: 218.37 (+0.98), TAPR: 17.44 (+0.06), HYEM: 24.12 (-0.12), IHY: 24.56 (+0.06), HYND: 19.25 (+0.01)
Negative Duration Bond ETFs: Right Time to Bet? - ETF News And Commentary
Sweta Killa - Zacks Investment Research - Tue May 12, 8:00AM CDT
Negative duration bond ETFs could be a great way to tap the rising interest rate scenario.
HYND: 19.25 (+0.01), AGND: 42.22 (+0.03)