Vanguard Long Gov (VGLT) 85.00 $VGLT Can Low Vo
Post# of 273258

Can Low Volatility ETFs Beat Bonds for Portfolio Stability?
Sanghamitra Saha - Zacks Investment Research - Wed Aug 24, 11:20AM CDT
Low volatility ETFs are turning out more resilient than Treasury ETFs. Let's find out why.
ZROZ: 137.51 (-2.01), XSLV: 39.46 (+0.46), CDL: 38.90 (+0.27), SPLV: 42.20 (+0.30), SPY: 218.37 (+0.98), IEF: 111.50 (-0.29), XMLV: 39.78 (+0.42), EDV: 139.35 (-1.50), VGLT: 85.00 (-0.64), USMV: 46.27 (+0.28), TLT: 138.63 (-1.14), LVHD: 28.52 (+0.29)
The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: PIMCO 25+ Year Zero Coupon U.S. Treasury Index ETF, Vanguard Extended Duration Treasury ETF, iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF, Vanguard Long-Term Government Bond ETF and SPDR Barclays Long Term Treasury ETF
Zacks Equity Research - Zacks Investment Research - Mon Jun 20, 8:30AM CDT
The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: PIMCO 25+ Year Zero Coupon U.S. Treasury Index ETF, Vanguard Extended Duration Treasury ETF, iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF, Vanguard Long-Term Government Bond ETF and SPDR Barclays Long Term Treasury ETF
ZROZ: 137.51 (-2.01), TLO: 79.59 (-0.64), EDV: 139.35 (-1.50), VGLT: 85.00 (-0.64), TLT: 138.63 (-1.14)
Treasury Headed for Best Run: 5 Outperforming ETFs
Sweta Killa - Zacks Investment Research - Fri Jun 17, 9:05AM CDT
While the rally in Treasuries has been broad based with many ETFs hitting fresh highs, longer-dated bonds have been the real winners are leading the space higher.
ZROZ: 137.51 (-2.01), TLO: 79.59 (-0.64), EDV: 139.35 (-1.50), VGLT: 85.00 (-0.64), TLT: 138.63 (-1.14)
ETF TMI: 9 iShares ETFs Launch on Bats Exchange (ETF Trends) - ETF Trends - Mon May 16, 12:32PM CDT
Got a case of TMI (Too Much Information)? ETF Trends takes a condensed look at latest happenings… 9 iShares ETFs Launch on Bats Exchange Bats Exchange welcomed nine new exchange traded funds (ETFs) from iShares to its U.S. market on Thursday, the...
VTI: 112.28 (+0.57), KRE: 43.09 (+0.37), IEF: 111.50 (-0.29), VWO: 38.10 (+0.57), VPU: 108.35 (+1.50), IVE: 96.28 (+0.45), VGLT: 85.00 (-0.64), IVV: 219.63 (+0.96), IHI: 143.94 (+0.50)
Treasury ETFs in Focus on Flight to Safety
Zacks Equity Research - Zacks Investment Research - Thu Apr 14, 12:14PM CDT
Treasury bond ETFs have emerged as winners due to the uncertain economic environment.
ZROZ: 137.51 (-2.01), TLO: 79.59 (-0.64), EDV: 139.35 (-1.50), VGLT: 85.00 (-0.64), TLT: 138.63 (-1.14)
Long--term U.S. Treasury and Materials: 2 ETFs to Watch on Outsized Volume
Zacks Equity Research - Zacks Investment Research - Fri Feb 05, 5:00AM CST
VGLT and XME saw massive trading volumes in yesterday trading session.
SPY: 218.37 (+0.98), QQQ: 117.12 (+0.38), DIA: 184.86 (+0.76), XME: 26.10 (+0.13), VGLT: 85.00 (-0.64)
Time for These Buy-Ranked Treasury Bond ETFs
Zacks Equity Research - Zacks Investment Research - Wed Feb 03, 11:38AM CST
With the Treasury bond yields slumping this year and global growth worries flaring up, is this the right time to buy these top-ranked Treasury bond ETFs?
ZROZ: 137.51 (-2.01), TLO: 79.59 (-0.64), EDV: 139.35 (-1.50), VGLT: 85.00 (-0.64), TLT: 138.63 (-1.14)