Funny...I went slumming at iSlum for a moment this morning (a bad habit I'm trying to break) & at 1st glance, it almost appeared as though the usual advisories & rivals had switched roles for the day. Personally I don't give a rats-ass about Vista or any other paid promoter or the suckers, daytraders & dregs of society they attract...and I'd be flabbergasted if long-term institutional investors (the ones that really matter) didn't think the same way. As a matter of initial DD in any company I'm interested in, I count having a paid promoter onboard as a strike against them...I mean, what is there for a paid promoter to actually do beyond what is already a matter of public record. We already know what is in the public domain & they're not allowed to divulge privileged info, so what's left...redundancy, embellishment, enhancement, glorification & often distorted extrapolations...a waste of effort & money for any company that can stand on its own, as far as I'm concerned...unless that is their (often less-than-honorable)intention as a way of making a living. Ultimately, what QMC achieves organically on it's own (contracts/revenue) is the only thing that matters, warrants merit & speaks for itself, everything else is just window dressing & I'm done shopping...."build it and they will come".
Quantum Materials Corp. (QTMM) Stock Research Links