Liberation Theologies Resource https://encryp
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( All articles below linked on the web page. )
A Concise History of Liberation Theology , by Leonardo and Clodovis Boff.
From the book Introducing Liberation Theology published by Orbis Books.
2010 Current Topics: Migrants: illegals or God’s ambassadors?
Dean Brackley article in National Catholic Reporter
May 2008 A Fiery Theology Under Fire
Michael Powell article in The New York Times
April 2008 What is Liberation Theology?
Tony Campolo article in Washington Post, responding to Rev. Wright issue.
James Cone Explains Black Liberation Theology (streaming audio 13 min)
Perspectives on Liberation Theology — A Document Collection
compiled by C. John Yu. Includes Chronology. [Spanish language site] Recursos de teología de la liberación, espiritualidad de la liberación, servicio bíblico latinoamericano, calendario bíblico litúrgico, Martirologio Latinoamericano, Monseñor Romero, Pedro Casaldáliga, Leonardo Boff, Maximino Cerezo, biblioteca, Revista Electrónica Latinoamericana de Teología, Libros digitales gratuitos, Agenda Latinoamericana, Cursos de Teología Popular.
Liberation Theology and Gustavo Gutierrez
a bibliography compiled by William Harmless, S.J.
Remembering the Poor: An interview with Gustavo Gutiérrez
Interview by Daniel Harnett, SJ, in America Magazine, February 3, 2003
More books and articles by and about Gustavo Gutiérrez
Jon Sobrino and the Vatican judgment [against him]
by Andrew Hamilton
Reflections on the Sobrino Notification
by Michael O’Sullivan, SJ
Whatever happened to liberation theology? New directions for theological reflection in Latin America By John L Kater, Jr., from The Anglican Theological Review, Fall 2001.
Christian Revolution in Latin America: The Changing Face of Liberation Theology By Ron Rhoads, from the Christian Research Journal, Winter 1991.
Archbishop Oscar Romero’s Last Sermon expresses a prophetic call to the soldiers of the Salvadoran army to follow a higher law than the power of the State, which was commanding them to kill their brothers and sisters.
Seven Sermons of Oscar Romero for Lent
The Violence of Love, an ebook compiled by James R. Brockman, S. J.
Pastoral Teaching of Archbishop Oscar Romero
The Spiritual Journey of Oscar Romero
Remembering the Assassination
Who was Oscar Romero? Read about how Romero became convinced to take up the cause of poor Salvadorans in this short biography.
¡Romero vive! In his March 2009 Margin Notes column, Kevin Clarke reflects on the meaning of the Salvadoran election 29 years after the death of Romero.
Romero Revisited: El Salvador 30 years later See El Salvador in 1985 and 2009 through the lens of Tom Hocker’s camera.
News: Salvadoran bishops to write Vatican to support Romero’s sainthood (February 8, 2010)
Do you hear the cry of the poor? “The greatest works of liberation theology are not written, they’re lived in people such as Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador,” says Michael Lee, a theology professor at Fordham University. Learn more about liberation theology in this interview with Lee, as well as in 5 Questions.
more resources about the life and work of Archbishop Oscar Romero
The Rev. Martin Luther King’s 1967 speech at the Riverside Church at a meeting of Clergy and Laity Concerned, in which he explained the necessity of speaking out forcefully against the Vietnam war. (Link includes both text and streaming audio of Dr. King speaking.)
The Future of Liberation Theology By Daniel H. Levine, from the Journal of the International Institute at the University of Michigan.
Cristianisme i Justícia [library of articles in English] “is a Center of Studies promoted by the Society of Jesus in Catalonia which brings together a team of laymen and Jesuits. All the members are specialists in several human and social sciences, as well as in theology and are concerned about the practice of justice, not only at a local level but at the international one too.” Other languages: Castellano Catala
Theologies: Liberation vs Submission By Jean-Pierre Cloutier, from The Haiti Times, Spring 1987.
Special Reports from the Ignacio Martín-Baró Fund documenting the creative work in the fields of human rights and mental health of an extended web of individuals and organizations.
Liberation Theology and Social Justice By Matthew L. Lamb, from Process Studies, pp. 102-122, Vol. 14, Number 2, Summer, 1985. In this lecture the author outlines the major social justice issues to which various forms of liberation theology are responding. Then he analyzes, in historical and philoshopical contexts, how liberation theology seeks open new possiblities that go beyond the dead-ends of classical sacralism (the theological justification of oppression by religious elites), and of modern secularism (the dehumanization of people and the extermination of the environment by technocratic elites).
Liberation Psychology: Learning From Latin America
Mark Burton, Manchester Learning Disability Partnership 2002
Liberation Theology: Religious Response to Social Problems — A Survey
By Marian Hillar, from the Center for Socinian Studies web site.
Notes on the Development of Catholic Social Teaching
By Fr. William Ryan sj. A lecture given at the Coady International Institute of St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia, Canada. Reflects on more than a century of efforts by the Church to address social problems such as mass unemployment, starvation wages or political oppression, that are not the result of an individual’s personal transgressions. Many strands of Liberation theology can be understood as direct continuations of these efforts.
Does God Require Violence? A sermon delivered by Rev. Ama Zenya on Easter Sunday, 2006, outside the gates of the Lawrence Livermore Laboratories, a nuclear weapons design facility approximately forty miles east of Oakland, California.
Wikipedia Overview of Liberation Theology
The Open Directory index page for liberation theology