I just put in an opening order for 57k shares at .
Post# of 75003
this is my first time buying more shares in 14 months. I finally feel good about
buying more shares with the anticipation of the uplist come monday. Puts my
totals shares at 238,000... Also all the other good news... Now its just a waiting
game for deals with distributors. The water is gonna be huge cause everyone
and their moma drinks bottle waters! hahaha
I have owned shares since march 2015 and was there for the .32 spike... I was
a new investor and this is one of my first stocks. But i have decided to stay a
long. I will watch the company boom or go bankrupt, the biggest gamble of my life.
May we all prosper and long live RMHB!!!!!
Now im off to go mt biking. Enjoy your day!