Now lets take my local VA in Grand Rapids,
Post# of 65628
take my local VA in Grand Rapids, Yes over 40 miles away. Excellent clinic, next to Metro Hospital. You could still use the clinic to see patients, yet staff it with Hospital staff and doctors. Would all the staff be absorbed? Healthcare workers most likely, VA management gone. The VA is a redundant system.
of that 22 Million, 1.3 Million are active duty, 9.4 Million vets are on SS with medicare, 900,000 are on welfare.
9 million of the 22 million are reported as accessing the VA for health care. So of that 153 Billion dollar budget it is closer to $17000 per year per vet. 104 per month for medicare X 12 months x 9,000,000 = another 12 Billion
So 165 Billion budget for 9 million vets = $18,333 per year per vet $1527 per month and there is a waiting list and limit specialty services ?
The best 90/10 private insurance for 1 person is less than that $1527 ?