Dana Loesch should’ve checked an electoral map,
Post# of 65629
That’s what happens when you take a catch phrase, don’t examine it too carefully, wrap it in your pre-conceived notions and turn it into a nutter book.
But the book goes further downhill from the title. I’ll let a reviewer take it from here.
You can't govern a country when you hate government, June 28, 2016
This review is from: Flyover Nation: You Can't Run a Country You've Never Been To (Hardcover)
By publishing this book, Dana Loesch is unwittingly playing the role of Ms. Glass House--she is throwing stones when she is not in a position to do so.
She claims that the "coastals" can't run a country they've never been to. Well, I've got news for Ms. Glass House. You can't run a country when over half the population lives in places where you don't. *WE* are the majority, not you.
When was the last time Dana Loesch went to a museum? (Hint: never.) When was the last time she graduated from college? (Hint: never.) When was the last time she lived in a major metropolitan liberal city? (Hint: never.)
You see, when you have different life experiences, you tend to change your viewpoints; you realize that the rest of the world doesn't live in your bubble, and it forces you to be open-minded and to understand different perspectives. Unlike Loesch, I've lived in big liberal cities and in small conservative communities.
I understand all viewpoints. But there are viewpoints that are factually right and viewpoints that are factually wrong, and those of us who are adult enough and mature enough to recognize this truism are the ones who can traverse our way through this complex and complicated world.
Yes, it is we liberals who can run the country, and we are all better served when the conservatives keep their grimy little fingers out of the machinery.
It's really tough to move the country forward when there are so many conservatives who are dragging their feet--and their knuckles, for that matter.
Loesch offers no solutions other than to say that coastal liberals are bad, while everyone who lives in a red state is good (except for the liberals who live in those red states who long to escape a mentality that more closely resembles the Dark Ages rather than the Enlightenment--liberal = bad, conservative = good).
I'm of the philosophy that we should let the plumbers plumb. That we should let the electricians work on electrical stuff. That computer geeks should work on computers. That taxi drivers should drive taxis. That cooks should cook, that builders should build, and that bartenders should make drinks.
So, why on earth would we let conservatives (i.e., people who have no interest in making government work) be allowed in government? The answer is simple--we shouldn't. You can't govern a country when you hate government.