Was expecting that Form4 for Sri... ...looks like
Post# of 22454
...looks like he might just be setting pretty on his millions if this puppy takes-off as planned. 6M in options at .13cents & it appears that he already owned another 700+K , with an added 200+K as *'convertibles' (*conversion from a note he holds or wages-to-date or signing bonus perhaps[?]). Either way, this guy stands to gain Bigtime if things go as planned & I like the fact that it takes the form of options/warrants with segmented future timelines...gives him far more motivation to help make this a success, or go away with empty pockets. Sort of a built-in incentive-for-performance protocol , as opposed to the missing milestones road-to-riches program Dr.Bob unduly profited from. A much better payment structure this time around.