let's see if it's real....or should i say..."damag
Post# of 65628
let's see if it's real....or should i say..."damaging"...eh?
Well, only if you think a book published by
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Hachette_Book_Group
will be remotely credible! LOL!
Easy prediction. This 'book' will be reviewed, appropriately, as a "He said....WTF, where's' the corroboration!?"....'hachette' job by everyone not named Fox News!
But interesting choice of scenarios you pose. Doesn't need to be 'real', as long as it's 'damaging'.
Sure, I get that a 'low threshold of evidence' for many of the sanctimonious moral imbeciles who post here is par for the course.
But all you've done is raise expectations for those people!
Expectations? Sh*t, they've already had to wipe the drool off of the screens of whatever device they used to read your post.
But it's all good. I love the smell of dashed winger expectations in the morning. Afternoons an evenings too!