Stick a fork in it HOT, you're done on this subjec
Post# of 65629
Within a year and half, during operation Kolibri (the "Night of the Long Knives" , he had murdered everyone with even leftist SOUNDING ideas still in the party. That included the Strasser brothers, who wrote the party platforms and manifesto back in the 20's. That was 1934.
By 1935, anyone--like Beck, for example--who suggested they were liberal or socialist would've been executed within 14 days.
For those left scratching your heads wondering how anyone could make the mistaken claim that 'Neo-Nazi' refer to leftist politics, at any point in the history of the term, read on and you won't make the same mistaken claim.
If you substitute 'HOT' everywhere you read 'Beck' the piece will be both educational AND entertaining!
What's fascinating is that an ignorant, lying windbag like Beck can say that, and so many of the brain dead who constitute his "following" likewise parrot out the same insanity.
Hey, folks--Shirer said it best in RISE AND FALL OF THE THIRD REICH--"There was no socialism in National Socialism." Every single scholar and researcher meritorious enough to have been published, including conservatives like Toland and Fest, identify Hitler and the Nazis, clearly and completely, with the RIGHT WING.
That includes Heisler, Speer (Hitler's last Armaments and Production Minister, who really ought to know!), Thyssen (a right wing steel producer and early Nazi supporter, and the conservative who PROPOSED Hitler as a compromise, coalition chancellor in 1933!), Hitler himself, who endlessly rails against liberals, socialists, and Bolsheviks in MEIN KAMPF, Goebbels, Himmler, and Hermann Goering.
The Nazis made crude jokes about the inclusion of the "s" word in their party title. Earlier, Mussolini, another clearly RIGHT WING fascist, spelled out the details of what he called "corporate socialism", defining it as a "marriage" between big business and the state. That is PURE right wing.
The patently bogus and unsupported assertion (LIE!) that "government control" and "despotism" are always left wing?
Well, again, if so, every scholar on the planet missed it. That would make the Roman Empire, the Catholic church, the various kings going back to the beginning of history, "left wingers". That is a silly, ridiculous, immature, and FRAUDULENT statement, at its root.
Indeed, the SIZE of government also has nothing to do with left/right or conservative/progressive philosophies. It has been, interestingly, in the United States where this has been best illustrated.
Warren G. Harding was the last so-called "conservative" to actually reduce the size of overall federal employment, which can be looked up in any civil service register or CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. The rest have all INCREASED federal employment.
Beck is a fraud, top to bottom. So are the unread who make these preposterous and impossible claims.
Right and left orientation relates primarily to relationships to wealth and the status quo. Look it up in a real book.
Beck's unsupported (and like most of what he says, completely fake!) assertion that the Nazis "nationalized the automobile industry" is typical. In INSIDE THE THIRD REICH, Speer makes clear how difficult it was to get industries to cooperate, because of their privileged status.
Even Opel--which was American-owned--was NEVER nationalized, and Volkswagen was a government-back private corporation, not a state industry.
In fact, the Nazi government PRIVATIZED the great state arsenals at Spandau, Erfurt, Essen, and Hamburg. It's all hugely documented and proven! Why do these people imagine Krupp became so powerful? Duh!
The neo-Nazi and ultra-right defintions of ANYTHING are fake, and have propaganda motives only, just as the "National Socialist" party would have been just as truthful and had the same purpose had they, for reasons of credibility, decided to call themselves "National Cabbage" simply because sauerkraut is popular in central Europe.
The liars who comprise the crackpot elements of the lunatic fringe right in America--and Beck is one of their semi-literate "thought leaders", to what limited extent they have any!--need to be exposed every time they proliferate these bogus meanings.
Hitler's primary acts his first 90 days in office were the outlawing of labor unions and imprisonment of their leaders, and moves to identify and imprison his liberal and socialist opponents.
Within a year and half, during operation Kolibri (the "Night of the Long Knives" , he had murdered everyone with even leftist SOUNDING ideas still in the party. That included the Strasser brothers, who wrote the party platforms and manifesto back in the 20's. That was 1934.
By 1935, anyone--like Beck, for example--who suggested they were liberal or socialist would've been executed within 14 days.
Short answer to your question: Beck and his various followers are selling this fraudulent nonsense for pure propaganda purposes, nothing more.
They're peddling lies so monstrous as to constitute psychosis all by themselves, and yet a few real morons will swallow this demented drivel.
Again: They need to be exposed by a review of the valid literature.
Every single syllable ever written by genuine scholars and students of the period, including those directly quoted and THOUSANDS of others, without a single valid exception!