Thats just the way it is with public entities, it takes a minimum of 35 shareholders to go public and to help achieve those numbers private companies will pick up investments from various investment firms who have an appetite for early stage IPO's or DPO's. So its not really cleaning up, that would mean some form of a pump. Unless you're taking it from the perspective of the basher/short group, they would love to clean up our shares so they can cover the Ugly hole they're in with their large short position. The bashers should really be referred to as the shorters, because against all beliefs they would let you have, that is exactly what "who," they are. And more than likely the majority of the bashers if not all are the same person. I mean, just looking at the tone of their posts which has a tendency to follow in cadence with one another during any given hour, that alone to me gives it away. Funny how they're all in the same mind set all at the time isnt it? I thought so too. So many hints point at this, we could go on all day at the evidence that points to one person being behind the aliases but we have already done so, so that would be a bit redundant. At the end of the day we all know their angel and their manipulation is clear as a sunny Arizona summer afternoon, with no clouds..