Think about all the crazed sex offending pedophile
Post# of 65629

Think about all the crazed sex offending pedophiles out there that just received a free pass from Obummer to do the sickening crap that they do.
YOU think about it. The rest of us realize that none of that shit is happening anymore than it has since.....when Denny Hastert positioned his Lazy-Boy outside the boys' shower room.
And anyone that thinks this law that Obummer passed is good , needs to be sexually molested by gangs of pervs.
Only the sick would think this to be a good law.
No law has been passed, it's simply enforcement of a nondiscrimination clause in an existing law.
Also, it's a response to requests for guidance from school administrations from around the Country who are confronting the 'issues', rationally it would appear.