Also have you noticed when you mention the 10k share swaps at the bid after a large buy has gone through and mention it as being blatant manipulation to the downside, he deletes it? Thankfully the ihub admins are starting to reinstate some of those posts. He is definitely the one behind these $5 bid whacks and share swaps at the bid. Blatant attempts at illegal manipulation. Looks to me he's running out of powder and judging from the late night over time on the TALK board with his cut and paste and multiple aliases. It would seem that something has gotten him panicking.. The rise in pps? Hmmm I wonder why? Interesting to note that that same mouth states that its impossible to short a penny stock while he is currently doing it. As the saying goes actions speak louder than words, and his actions are screaming "Someone help me, Im short and about ready to get burned!!" LOL