Early trading - April 20. A few low-level, one-
Post# of 1191

A few low-level, one-tick flippers keep undercutting the ask by putting up 2M>10M at .0002. The more of them that leave the better as they won't be able to get back in at .0001 (unless of course it is shorted again).
Now 244M .0001 x 7M .0002.
When 3 of the 6 x MM that might be involved at .0003 were showing, there was only 78M at .0003.
As long as the overall figure is less than 150M - preferably less than 100M - when all the MMs move up, it should run on any news when people have the confidence to buy 10M>20M at a time and some .0003 sell orders from flippers get cancelled.

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