Post# of 65629

Overlooked by Mr. West, and by others like yourself, is that not a single Drone flight nor a single special op was cancelled while Obama was carrying out his JOB, which for all presidents includes schmoozing foreign dignitaries and their spouses,
In FACT several high value terrorist operatives had been killed and captured in the week preceding the president's trip.
No one can credibly argue....emphasis on credibly non ODS driven arguments....that an attack on US soil wouldn't have interrupted the president's trip.
As it was Obama, like any OTHER traveling president, had full access to communication with foreign leaders, and used it to convey support and to dispatch FBI investigators to Europe.
And of course Obama famously 'multitasked' at the White House Correspondents Dinner on that weekend in 2011:
It now seems, in retrospect, all the more striking that Obama gave the speech he did at the White House Correspondents Dinner on Saturday. We can now realize that, as he delivered the stinging zingers aimed at Donald Trump's birther idiocy, Paul Ryan's budget proposal, and funding cuts for NPR, Obama knew what was going on in the mission to kill bin Laden.
So people like West and yourself really need to chill the f*ck out!