Extreme socialism is able to dictate where you li
Post# of 65629
Extreme socialism is able to dictate where you live..how you live..how many children you may have.....your pay....your benefits..etc..etc..etc..your life.
And state control of industries, as I pointed out.
Now, how do you infer ANY of that from anything Bernie has said or even done by him as a Senator?
Calling socialistic redistribution of wealth as in SS and Medicare a 'social contract' doesn't meant hat they aren't in fact....socialistic.
Remember the tea party signs "keep your government hands off my Medicare?"
Sorry toots, Uncle Sam got his finger prints all over your Medicare. He collects from every taxpayer, and he redistributes to you!
Want to get rid of it, change the structure, change the eligibility years? Let's talk about it.
But let's not pretend/deny what Medicare and SS ARE.