$TPAC You know, I am not sure as to the nature of
Post# of 22940

I do not know Paul's part in all of this, most specifically what the benefit is for himself or for Avcorp, but Paul has held many significant positions with Boeing, and has had numerous years of experience working with the company. Avcorp, as no surprise, also serves Boeing. And while Avcorp does not have NAVAIR(or at least so it seems upon cursory glance), it does have AS9100C, which leads me to believe that, if nothing else, Paul is serving a consultant or advisory position for TPAC, and due to his aforementioned experience with Boeing, word could have been passed along that AS9100C is the way to go for expedited approval. And his presence at the meeting, could serve as quite the segue, considering he is likely a familiar face to both parties. He may be the bridge between us and Boeing, just as we seem to be the bridge between Boeing and AVIC.
I am also very much looking forward to the updates from today's meeting(s). While I expect the overall process to take a bit of time(as in a few months), I think this is a very significant step in the right direction, and one that will eventually secure Boeing as a client.