Trading Summary - March 11. Good day for those
Post# of 1191

Good day for those who wanted to get their average down with straightforward trading and no games.
All the people who got .0001s by already bid-sitting when the convertible debt selling hit yesterday put what they got up mostly at .0002 and some at .0003.
Longs who wanted to average down bought all the .0002 on the ask originally, and those taken down from .0003 by greedy flippers - you could see the .0003 go down with each buy at .0002.
Only a fraction of those bought at .0002 put up at .0003.
Around 275M on the bid at .0001 - around 70M on the ask at .0003.
143M traded today - all at .0002.
By buying enough at .0003, it should be possible to get an average that still allows for a significant profit on the next surge to the upper .000xs - provided the convertible debt seller stays away long enough.

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