$BMSN Short Selling Data(by percentage) is beyond significant for this ticker. It is plain as day that this is being held down for the gain of certain persons or entities. This may be a good time to start accumulating again, as it reduces availability for short sale covering at .0002, and keeps this from hitting .0001's, which is likely part of what is being attempted.
Do your own DD. Assume everyone here is either an amateur trader/investor or a paid interest such as a compensated pumper/basher. My posts are strictly for entertainment purposes. I am not on Wall St., do not work for a group, and only get paid when my personal investments materialize. I am only responsible for my own gains and losses; no one is to blame for my mistakes or for any advice taken from postings; likewise, I am not to blame for any advice you take of mine, regardless of gains or losses from doing so. Good luck to all; may you live long and prosper greatly.