Ok, crazy find. Tons of new information.. Bioco
Post# of 1023

Im rubbing my eyes right now because theres so much information, and so many webpages open right now, I cant figure out how to organize it all. ( sob story, feel bad )
I was looking up some more stuff on that China Forum post I wrote earlier, and one thing led to another and up poped Biocom.
WHAT THE HECK IS BIOCOM!? Is the WavSTAT4 known by every friggen medical company??? It sure seems like it because every single time I write a DD post and click 'submit' for you all to read, I convince myself that I found everything out there. And then an hour later, BOOM, more DD. Insane .
To get to the point, go to the Biocom website and read about it. Im not going to provide a link for every single thing I find anymore; too much time, and barely anyone responds, so I have no clue if this stuff is being read.
Back on track..
Another HUGE 30+ page .PDF
Go to the bottom of page 30. Anything catch your eye?
"Michael Oliver from Spectra Science " listed on the Medical Device Committee, under Committee leadership.
Go to the middle of page 32
Biocom Membership
Spectra Science listed under MEDICAL DEVICE & DIAGNOSTIC
Look at the bottom of the page
Biocom LifeLines Summer 2015
This was from last summer. Its recent information. It's not 6 year old garbage.
Go here
CATEGORIZATION : Distribution •Direct (own sales force)
• Indirect (independent dealer)
They have a dealer already to sell their stuff.
No. of Medtech Products
One the market
Read that again. ONE item is ON THE MARKET with 2 other products in development.
Ill even throw in some bait for the nay-sayers..
Money raised to date 16.20
But look at the date it was written, "Summer 2015". It doesn't include the advancements SCIE made from June 2015 to today. Want to bet the 10-K has sales on it?
Export Markets of Interest
(Currently exporting to/ Interested in pursuing)
This was all last updated 18 Jul 2015 so it doesn't include any possible sales from summer 2015 through today.
Ok, so after all this, whats the big fuss? Biocom. What the heck is it and why is Michael Oliver listed as a member of Biocom and his company spectra science is listed under MEDICAL DEVICE & DIAGNOSTIC?
it matters because if you become a member of Biocom, you get ALL THESE BENEFITS:
C-Level Events : Events Designed for CEOs and CFOs to foster interaction
Invitation to CEO Dinners
Invitation to CEO Receptions
Invitation to quarterly CFO Speaker Series
Access to Capital
Access to VC’s, investment bankers and strategic partners
Opportunity to attend Venture Capital Days and Partner Days
Opportunity to attend Innovation Days
Opportunity to present your company to deal-makers at our Partnering Conference
Recognition by name on membership page of Biocom website
Recognition as member in electronic newsletter
Opportunity to submit three company announcements and three event announcements in eNewsletter
Industry news items included in Deals and Data section of eNewsletter
Recognition by name on membership page in quarterly LifeLinesmagazine
Company profile and logo in online membership directory
Recognition by name in Biocom lobby
..and I am convinced that being a member of Biomed is one of the reasons why there is so much DD to be found. Simply because the name Spectra Science is spreading like wildfire, and once big name hospitals start to use the WavSTAT4, every other hospital is going to look archaic using the old-school endoscopes; which is going to pressure them to 'catch up with the times' and get the latest tech..which just so happens to be the WavSTAT4

SpectraSCIENCE Inc. (SCIE) Stock Research Links
Invite Only
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