Disregard the someone saying that we need to trade 500m shares to get to .20. Also use your own set of eyes and use your own judgement when you see scrc move nicely the last 6 weeks. There are share amounts posted that are meaningless. The tape never lies and scrc has been talking for several weeks. I believe when they start putting out a little more current figures it will get a little more volume. q1 is meaningless as well as q2. The quarter that will be telling is q3 when the cost cutting went into effect and we will see the results of new management.
Bottom Line: Use your own judgement to determine what you will do with scrc. It looks very thin to me and cdel moved to .0441 bid the highest in months and filling in nicely. BTW .052 is above the .05 cent stock hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................