Post# of 199
CEO's updates on 2/14/2016 on a different Forum: Waiting on a few things today/ this week - Debt confirmations for auditor. Everything else is balanced and complete. Six letters to be signed off, mostly zero balances - hopefully back today. Last week went great - everyone's on board. In the attorney and auditors hands to set up the structure. For example: "What we need to know is what percentage of the target company does Liberty have to acquire in order to consolidate the financials of the target with Liberty as opposed to carrying the shares of the target as an asset on the balance sheet."
The plan is to bring a few companies in to halt the need for financing. I'm moving fast now and will announce when completed ASAP. Thanks, Brian; 845-610-3817
Response on 1/30/2016 directly from CEO to to a critic on toxic debt resolution :
Your timing is just so perfect this afternoon. I'm really going to enjoy when the folks in your profession scramble to cover. Just know I'm going to move when I think it will sting the most. The status of those notes have changed quit a bit since 9/30/15, as you'll see on the next 8k. JMJ has about $15k and JSJ $4k left. Rest has been taken care of by LG and Carebourn. Before you go on the attack, both companies have been working with us regarding acquisition targets, hard money repayment options (derived from said revenue producing acquisitions), and sale limits. I'm also working separately with them in other capacities that makes working fairly with Liberated a priority (I'm not making a dime, just protecting you guys).
Auditor has been paid for a few weeks now and what they needed came in today (zero balance confirmations). Quick review over the weekend and we should be set, again - as per Enterprise CPA. It's in their hands.
I'll let press releases and 8-K's take it from here, and I promise to use social media (Twitter, Facebook - SEC acknowledged forms of communication) to clarify where I can. In the meantime, posting here is a "damned if I do, damned if I don't" situation. The last few months of silence is what is making things happen now. Welcome, Brian; 845-610-3817
CEO's updates on 1/28/2016 in direct communication with retail investor:
I'm waiting on CPA Enterprises - on the last step which is confirmations on all of the zero balance notes. Once complete, I'm looking to move more towards being a business development company. The Guard Lite will continue to operate as a division, along side others - agriculture, food & beverage, trucking, etc. I will announce each of these companies ONLY after the deals are complete, not before. I have never held interest in letters of intent PR's. The good news is I'm in the final stages of two of them that I look forward to sharing. I'll be in Boston Monday until Weds completing one of them (and I'll stop by Marina Bay to grab some pics).
I'm working right now on repaying the last note holders (Carbourn and LG who are partners) their initial loans and offering straight equity on the balances, in hopes they agree to be affiliates and end the dilution before the above can take place. Idea is the value of the above deals will far out way conversions. Thanks,
Brian; 845-610-3817
Updates by Tweets
LIBERATED ENERGY, INC. NV20101685276 Status: ACTIVE Domestic Corporation
Liberated Energy @LIBEnergy Jan 28
I'm working right now on repaying the last note holders (Carbourn and LG who are partners) their initial loans and offering straight equity
3 retweets 4 likes
Liberated Energy @LIBEnergy Jan 28
Agriculture, food & beverage, trucking, etc. I will announce each of these companies ONLY after the deals are complete, not before.
2 retweets 1 like
Liberated Energy @LIBEnergy Jan 28
Once complete, I'm looking to move more towards being a business development company. The Guard Lite will continue to operate as a division
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Liberated Energy @LIBEnergy Jan 28