So, we have a pretty pivotal canning coming up. My
Post# of 75001
I would like to know more about what happened with Todd K. It has always been my thought, and I previously posted those thoughts, that he was an inside man for the Snapple group. My guess is with a little digging we find out he's back on their payroll.
Heres the problem we currently face IMO, the shares are all being bought up by a certain group of investors (us) and being held long term. This historically causes share price to drop and continue to drop until profit dictates it should go up. Theres not enough swing daily for a swing trader to make any real money and certainly not enough shares being traded for such. The bottom, I believe has not been found yet. Smart management would realize they are putting long investors in a dangerous position and will have to PR it back up. With the scarce amount of shareholders the company cant afford to allow the SP to dip much further and lose the few real believers.
That being said, their hands must be tied in this matter. Side note, I have not received email back from MGMT about Todd, and frankly don't expect it. It not info that I feel can be legally discussed with a shareholder.
If you made it this far , you probably feel Im wavering in my belief the company has a bright future. Well, Im not. Just posting some thoughts. I will keep buying every chance I get. Hell at these prices I may get up around Liquidmoney! Lol
Hold strong my friends, and stay thirsty! .. Oh crap thats that other company's slogan.