I think that's a good bet. There's not much time left at this price level, and you'd better believe most of the shorters are thinking the same thing so the first pop will probably be from their covering. Also, there are more than likely going to be a sweet surprise or two showing up very soon, quite possibly well ahead of the financials and up-listing news. If shorts aren't getting nervous now they should be. Every time I manage to scrape up some more poker money, it's getting plunked down on RMHB. Upside potential dwarfs the downside potential more than ever, so waiting will most likely not work as well as it would have a couple of moths back. My way to reduce my chances of missing this boat has been simply to keep buying all the way down and not try to call the bottom. Of course, I like many did not expect the delays to the audited report and subsequent up-listing, but that's the way it goes. All I care is that where it's going will be WAY up verses my average PPS, and I'm not done yet either. Buy up dudes!!