45 days get's us to March 1st -- board real slow a
Post# of 75011
Hemp is here to stay as it's just gaining traction - same as Co growing up -- lotta misses on their end but bottom line -- have great product - let's get snowflake can in stores and selling _ I give a crap whether they keep MJ leaf on can - sentimentally I do but that's not gonna raise profits "today"
IMHO we'll see over 5mm cans roll out prior to June (a combo mix) we'll grow more value as a buyout candidate with sales distributors
Real investors chill -- let the team get us where we need to be - hold all da BS with Indian Waters - shots -- booze infused - clothing etc -- we after brand recognition which is key!!!!
This is a start-up that is gonna make it --
accept how they doin' it -else clear out a spot a real investor might like cheap
And for Christ sakes -- quit feeding bashers here
Rock on RMH