$IHSI: Suncloak LED Lower Operating Costs. The
Post# of 780
The Problem :
The analysis performed in this study finds that indoor Cannabis production results in energy expenditures of $6 billion each year--6-times that of the entire U.S. pharmaceutical industry--with electricity use equivalent to that of 1.7 million average U.S. homes. This corresponds to 1% of national electricity consumption or 2% of that in households. The yearly greenhouse-gas pollution (carbon dioxide, CO2 ) from the electricity plus associated transportation fuels equals that of 3 million cars. Energy costs constitute a quarter of wholesale value.
In California, the top-producing state—and one of many states to allow cultivation for medical purposes—the practice is responsible for about 3% of all electricity use or 9% of household use. Due to higher electricity prices and cleaner fuels used to make electricity, California incurs 70% of national energy costs but only 20% of national CO2 emissions.
From the perspective of individual consumers, a single Cannabis cigarette represents about 10 pounds of CO2 emissions,* or an amount of electricity equal to running a 100-watt light bulb for 75 hours with average U.S. electricity (or 135 hours on California’s cleaner grid). Each four-by-four-foot production module doubles the electricity use of an average U.S. home and triples that of an average California home. The added electricity use is equivalent to running about 90 refrigerators. Processed Cannabis results in 4,600-times its weight in CO2 emissions. For off-grid production, it requires 70 gallons of diesel fuel to produce one indoor Cannabis plant, or 140 gallons with smaller, less-efficient gasoline generators.
Minimal information and producer consideration of energy use, coupled with adaptations for security and privacy, lead to particularly inefficient configurations and correspondingly large energy consumption and greenhouse-gas emissions. If improved practices applicable to commercial agricultural greenhouses are any indication, the energy use for indoor Cannabis production can be reduced dramatically. Cost-effective efficiency improvements of more than 75% are conceivable, which would yield energy savings of about $25,000/year for a generic 10-module growing room. Shifting cultivation outdoors eliminates most energy uses (aside from transport), although the practice can impose other environmental impacts (see this Google Maps tour of a small corner of Humboldt County), such as poisoning of animals by rodenticides and other chemicals used by growers.
The Solution :
The Suncloak Agricultural Lighting System Completely Engulfs Plants in a Cloak of Light.
* Significant Increase in per Plant Yields
*Absolute and Complete Canopy Penetration
* Most Efficient Light Delivery System....Period
*Uniform Flowering from Top to Bottom of Plant
* Extremely Low Power Consumption
*Top & Bottom of all Leaves Radiated with Light
* Extremely Low Heat Generation
*Significant Reduction in Infrastructure Costs
*Reduces Water Consumption and Humidity
*Configurable for a Multitude of Grow Methods
*Light Spectrum Ideal for Flowering Cycle
*Patent Pending
*Lower Maintenance & Operational Costs
*Two Year Warranty on Power Rail & Sun Blades
* Lower Heat Reduces Attraction of Insects
*Multiple Options for Power and Total Lumens
Suncloak Website: