I had a few Christmas martinis this morning to get my cheer going and then I remembered I still needed one more present to be ready for Christmas, so head out to 7-11 to get that perfect gift I forgot and there it was sitting there as if someone new I was coming. ......it was weird I passed it off as to many martinis I grabbed the gift off the shelf paid for it now I'm singing Christmas songs out the door , then I see Santa sitting there waiting for the next kid to sit on his lap to here what they wanted for Christmas , I started thinking ho what fun it would be to sit on Santa's lap and let him know that I wanted a decacorn for Christmas, my turn and I'm cheery from martinis, I sit look up and just before I said what I wanted Santa said y wife is a good kisser....what"!
I beat up Santa pretty bad I did, kids were crying mom's & Dads were yelling at me saying I beat up the last American tradition.
I said just look for a Santa that's red white and blue.
Merry Christmas