I would like to go 760 miles an hour............
Post# of 17650

Person of the Year: Elon Musk
who’s the best choice for Person of the Year in Tech?
There really aren’t very many people with the kind of industry-changing vision that, say, Steve Jobs had. When you get right down to it, Jobs was unique; he possessed both the vision to dream up successful new ways of doing things and the power to make them come true.
That’s not to say that there aren’t some leaders doing amazing work today. In only 18 months as Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella has briskly brought his vast corps of employees into an open, coherent new era of design and products. Mark Zuckerberg continues to guide Facebook with an impressively unwavering hand. Uber, led by CEO Travis Kalanick, is still shaking up the transportation world with a series of bold and often controversial moves.
But Elon Musk, man. He doesn’t do a lot of press, so the public doesn’t track him as they might any other kind of rockstar.
But in 2015, this 44-year-old South African native won over a lot of skeptics in a lot of areas:
•Tesla Motors (CEO and Owner). Musk continued to defy history by making Tesla that most improbable of entities: a successful new American car company. Tesla has sold 90,000 of its gorgeous, pricey Model S cars. This year, Tesla launched the gull-wing Model X crossover; added self-driving features to the Model S via a software upgrade; and began offering battery packs for homes.
•SpaceX (CEO, CTO, Founder). Musk also managed to found a private rocket company, SpaceX, which continues to raise eyebrows (and to partner with NASA). In 2015, it raised $1 billion in funding from Google and Fidelity; launched its first vehicle beyond Earth’s orbit, the Deep Space Climate Observatory; and asked the government for permission to launch 400 satellites for the purpose of supplying wireless Internet to the entire world.
•HyperLoop (idea). In 2013, Musk proposed a super-high-speed train-in-a-tube called the HyperLoop. Its cars would float on a thin cushion of air, thus eliminating friction and reaching peak speeds of 760 miles an hour. It would be immune to weather, its cars can’t crash, and it would require very little power. It could take passengers between San Francisco and Los Angeles in 35 minutes. (That’s normally a seven-hour drive.)