We just need to remind investors that Lt0,ivanivich, dearth pilot, kayazz, in or out and the rest of them are liars. They don't know anything about Baltia. They throw bombs about Baltia all day and night with no actual due diligence or dd taken out of context. The only motivation I can see is they earn enough money to support their alleged drug and drinking problems. I believe they are all in the United States and most likely will be sued civilly and criminally one day. My recommendation is that investors stay on this site for good due diligence and honesty. Baltia is a great company working with 2 of the most credible government agencies. FAA and DOT. The delays and arduous considerations they are experiencing will help them in the future because not many new competitors will get as far as they will. My opinion is to do your best to speak with the company and take a look under the hood yourself. You will see a powerful engine being built in my view. Investors, once again, those idiots I mentioned don't know anything. It's all made up from their head. They have nothing to support or prove their slander. Good luck with your investments