$CSLT Bryan Roberts Obtained 129,430 Shares of Cas
Post# of 22757
November 17, 2015 by Sally Goff in Insiders ·
Bryan Roberts Insider Buy
As disclosed in an electronic report which was filled with the D.C. based-SEC on November 16, 2015, Bryan Roberts an insider in Castlight Health Inc and currently director, picked up shares worth $497,794 U.S Dollars in the public firm . He acquired 129,430 new shares, at average $3.8 per share. In the last month, he also acquired 1.01 million shares with a total value $3.82 million USD. This investment was pretty big one, so clearly it won’t go ignored. At present, he has rights to a total of 3.26 million shares or 10%+ of the company’s market cap.
Out of 3 analysts covering Castlight Health (NYSE:CSLT), 2 rate it “Buy”, 0 “Sell”, while 1 “Hold”. This means 67% are positive. $8 is the highest target while $7 is the lowest. The $7.50 average target is 88.92% above today’s ($3.97) stock price. Castlight Health was the topic in 3 analyst reports since October 9, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. Leerink Swann downgraded the stock on November 5 to “Mkt Perform” rating. First Analysis upgraded the shares of CSLT in a report on October 9 to “Overweight” rating.
The institutional sentiment increased to 2.52 in Q2 2015. Its up 0.95, from 1.57 in 2015Q1. The ratio is positive, as 13 funds sold all Castlight Health Inc shares owned while 14 reduced positions. 24 funds bought stakes while 44 increased positions. They now own 41.30 million shares or 6.67% less from 44.25 million shares in 2015Q1.
Gagnon Advisors Llc holds 3.11% of its portfolio in Castlight Health Inc for 557,822 shares. Gagnon Securities Llc owns 864,527 shares or 2.78% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Allen Operations Llc has 1.34% invested in the company for 157,372 shares. The California-based Redmile Group Llc has invested 1.32% in the stock. Wellcome Trust Ltd (The) As Trustee Of The Wellcome Trust, a United Kingdom-based fund reported 6.57 million shares.
Since June 1, 2015, the stock had 0 buys, and 1 insider sale for $805,807 net activity. Athenahealth Inc sold 91,401 shares worth $805,807.
The stock increased 3.12% or $0.12 during the last trading session, hitting $3.97. About 391,972 shares traded hands. Castlight Health Inc (NYSE:CSLT) has declined 47.35% since April 15, 2015 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 44.81% the S&P500.
Castlight Health, Inc. is a provider of cloud software that enables enterprises to understand and manage health care spending as a business investment, and help employees and their families make medical decisions. The company has a market cap of $364.38 million. The Company’s Enterprise Healthcare Cloud provides information to its employees, implementing technology-enabled benefit creates and integrating systems and applications. It currently has negative earnings. The Firm deploys consumer-oriented applications that deliver employee engagement and enable employers to integrate benefit programs into one platform available to employees and their families.
Castlight Health, Inc. operates as a provider of cloud-based software. Its enables enterprises to gain control over their rapidly escalating health care costs. The Company’s Enterprise Healthcare Cloud allows its customers to conquer the complexity of the existing health care system by providing personalized, actionable information to their employees, implementing technology-enabled benefit designs and integrating disparate systems and applications. Castlight Health, Inc. is headquartered in San Francisco, California.
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