10m Intvw w/ Dr Richard Pazdur -- FDA Dir of Hema/
Post# of 72444

Of note, his comment, about halfway in, re the "Underestimation of drug toxicities" - the impact of side effects, quality of life considerations. "Fatigue is not just a Grade 2 toxicity, it's a life altering one." Why Kevetrin being safe and well-tolerated is prob equally impt as its efficacy in the current radiation/chemo-heavy, hard-on-the-body, treatment of advanced cancers.
Pazdur goes on to say listening to patients (more a "cry" than "voice"

Gotta think Kevetrin, esp for Ovarian, on his radar for obvious reasons.
Another couple vids -- him accepting cancer advocacy award, twd the end he comments some more on impt of Patient Voice; the second vid is a short clip on Breakthrough Designation (not submitting an application prematurely ... Ie, where Kevetrin is...... ) Should the Ph I writeup make it into print, it'll be a good first look determining just how revolutionary Kevetrin might be on the p53 front.