.......while we wait ; ) Plasmonic giant quant
Post# of 22463

Plasmonic giant quantum dots: hybrid nanostructures for truly simultaneous optical imaging, photothermal effect and thermometry†
"Au nanorods and nanoshells are inherently “multifunctional” nanomaterials in that the Au metal shell can be employed for both dark field imaging and photothermal cancer therapy.
Compared to nanorods, Au nanoshells afford enhanced extinction coefficients16 and the opportunity to precisely tune the surface plasmon resonance peak position from the visible to the near-IR as a function of the nanoshell geometry (dielectric core radius and Au shell thickness).17 Additional refinement of this material system has been achieved by combining nanoshells with magnetic nanoparticles and/or molecular fluorophores for including magnetic resonance and optical fluorescence imaging modalities, respectively. In these cases the magnetic or fluorescent components have been added to the outside of the nanoshell, with total particle size in the 150–180 nm range.18 Significantly, for the application of cancer tumor targeting and ablation, the optimal nanoparticle size for efficacious tissue penetration and subsequent elimination is 10–100 nm.19"