In all honesty, I don't think this issue puts any
Post# of 11107

So, promises made by Peter to PVEC share holders in the form CERTS is probably as binding as the financial liability mess that has now been dumped on DSUS. All of these claims will be treated in the same light and will recieve the same level of scrutiny.
Bottom line, I don't think it looks good for CERT holders or those of us who are still hoping to receive said CERTs.
Of course, this is just my humble opinion. Given the CEO is an honorable man, maybe they might give us some sort of consolation prize. Perhaps we might get lucky and get some warrants (i.e. options to buy a fixed quantity of shares at a reduced price for a fixed perid of time) or something. Who knows? we are at the mercy of the CEO and BOD and right now, they are not very happy with PVEC and anything that reminds them of PVEC...which includes us.

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