For what my opinion is worth. I am a small shareholder and have been following this stock and board for about six months. For a while now I have been feeling that someone, somewhere, for some reason does not want this bird to fly. Not so much for the past years of the process because I was not following then, but for the last three months or so. Here we are, down to the very short strokes and this delay, IMO, does not make sense. LT's post this morning sort of implies that I think. Since the planes were put in service, Boeing knows and the FAA approved the use of the re packed slides knowing they were more prone to malfunctioning than new ones, and now we have not passed six mini's and the seventh had an issue with a re packed slide, which everyone agrees is through no fault of BLTA, and we are in limbo for 90 days! How easy would it have been to just re test the one slide two weeks after the last mini? In trying to figure this out I came up with--our experience has shined a light on this problem, could Boeing or the FAA, or more precisely their lawyers, be worried about law suits from the families of passengers that were killed in crashes where re packed slides malfunctioned? If the FAA and Boeing could be proved to have had prior knowledge of this, they could be liable for millions in law suits. Just throwing out some thoughts, not a basher, I own the stock and want it to be successful.