hi Robodog your theory sounds good on paper but t
Post# of 41414
your theory sounds good on paper but there is many variables that can chang those numbers, i do agree keeping the shares long will benefit all of us, unlike you I do see hitting $1 dollar share prices way before you do.
It all depends how fast they grow and how many business they have on board for cargo, Im not as conserned with passengers as much I think the bulk of their income will be cargo.
War, fuel prices,politics etc..all play a huge part in their future but like you I do belive in the people that run this company their determination and hart and sweat is why i stand behind them, Im very impressed if they dont make it its not because they havent tried every thing possible and I for one admire that, at this point they have alot more to loose then any of us do, from loosing face to their life time savings to telling their family and friends they failed, . I for one dont think they are willing to let that happen and I stand behind them 100%