The laugh of the day from the pony board: wer123
Post# of 2009

Quote:Well then wer123, weren't you aware of this, haven't you been paying attention what "they" just found out on the great DD board ??
wer123 are you not paying attention? We just found out
today NTEK issued 46 million shares in just the last couple
weeks. That was the reason for todays drop and we didn't
have any positive news to counter it.
BUT as you can see from the latest update from
D WONG in LaJets post there is reason to be
hopeful VERY GOOD news is coming SOON.
IF NTEK delivers in the next few weeks on getting
Getting the GOOGLE CLOUD Network Fully operating
where they can load HUNDREDS of Movies every Month
from here on out >>>THEN <<< We will indeed see
an EXPLOSIVE MOVE UP in the stock price from here.
That poster hasn't payed attention himself, as he is not aware that in fact the OS has increased with 75 mln shares in little more than two weeks, 45 mln the last week alone.
And that I know simply because I contacted the TA. That's basic DD.
Since the beginning of March, when the AS was increased from 740 mln to 990 mln, some 690 mln shares have entered the float.
Latest Outstanding share count from the TA: 1,371,727,099.
So less than 19 mln to go. Next week maxed out.
These are the bare facts.
Add to this the yet again "no show" of what they promised at the SHM, and bam, sub penny again.
No rocket science here.
But hey, there is (again) very good news "coming soon", so don't worry, be happy !
And wer123, you better pay attention next time, OK ?