...lot of tears when the hammer drops... James
Post# of 11039

James Franko Wednesday, 09/16/15 06:16:25 PM
Re: madeindet post# 35498
Post # of 35568
That is 100% what has happened. Etrade creates NSS for "LOL liquidity". I don't care what anyone says, until the company speaks up on the matter this is an elaborate rouse to delay short covering.
We know there's no shorting on the gray market. We know "it costs too much to short a penny stock" we have heard it all but the crying. And IMO there will be a lot of tears when the hammer drops and not from who it has been said will be crying.
The dried up volume says that folks are holding their shares, so how could they cover? I saw 1b shares trade in just a few days. I haven't seen but 150m trade on grays so far.
Short short shorty going to get slapped up good.

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