I believe I saw a month where PIMD did 500k in the last 5 months and another month where they did 250k approx didn't you? PImd IMHO will be very important to Scrc when all is taken care of. I am looking forward to Pimd cranking out some serious #s as look at the Doctors dispensing program it is Sept and they already have 15 as their goal was 50 Doctors by Dec 31st 2015 to do 5.7m in net income per their projections. So they have 4 months to get 35 more doctors ro do their goal that they sought out to do. I have confidence in new management that they will be able to achieve their goals. How about you???
Bottom Line: Pimd/dispensing should lead the way based on scrc's projection of 5.7m in net income with 50 doctor's that was put on tape 5 months ago approx. Looking forward to Dec 31st if they achieve their goal of 50 doctor's it would be very good for PIMD obviously.