If they can take even an inkling of sales from 5HE, revs will be extraordinary. Here's the rub though. There is no NDA on telling us how much product they truly have and they haven't. They are showing us one 7-11 with a couple of cartons, not a big enough deal to make a dent. If they truly have the product and capability to mass produce a lot of it, simply show the mass production. They haven't shied from showing videos of cases going on a ship or production, but how much. That's the key for investors and the lingering question I would like transpareny on. Simply put, tons of supply will produce revenue and positive cash flow will make it easier to gloss over past toxic debt. I think they may be waiting for that. Unfortunately, the mind police have a point when they say "HJOE hasn't lost momentum, it's not a football game, it's a financial report." Doesn't make them any less of a group of schmucks, but they Have a point. Clean up those fins HJOE and git r done!
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