ive been reviewing the financial reports of the m
Post# of 403
(v) Contingencies
Periodically, the Group assesses potential liabilities related
to any lawsuits or claims brought against the Group or
any asserted claims. Although it is typically very difficult
to determine the timing and ultimate outcome of such
actions, the Group uses its best judgement to determine
if it is probable that it will incur an expense related to the
settlement or final adjudication of such matters and whether
a reasonable estimation of such probable loss, if any,
can be made. In accordance with HKAS 37, Provisions,
Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets, the Group
accrues a liability when it believes a loss is probable and
the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated. Due to
the inherent uncertainties related to the eventual outcome
of litigation, although the Group believes that the estimates
and judgement are reasonable, it is possible that certain
matters may be resolved for amounts materially different
from any estimated provisions or previous disclosures
stated in 2014 sino oil and gas hk annual report
look at the stated smart win loss amounts for 2014 and 2013 for the sino oil and gas 50% share
The Group
2014 2013
HK$’ 000 HK$’ 000
千港元 千港元
As at 1 January 於1月1日 1,215 4,947
Share of loss for the year 年內分佔虧損 (628) (232)
Dividend received 已收股息 – (3,500)
As at 31 December 於12月31日 587 1,215
The Group has a 50% (2013: 50%) interest in a joint
venture, Smart Win International Limited, a separate
structured vehicle incorporated in the British Virgin Island
(“BVI”) and operating in Hong Kong. The primary activity of
Smart Win International Limited is investment holding.
The contractual arrangement provides the Group with only
the rights to the net assets of the joint arrangement, with
the rights to the assets and obligation for the liabilities
of the joint arrangement resting primarily with Smart
Win International Limited. Under HKFRS 11 this joint
arrangement is classified as a joint venture and has been
included in the consolidated financial statements using
the equity method. In the opinion of the directors of the
Company, this joint venture is not material to the Group,
and the summarised financial information in relation to the
joint venture is presented below:
2014 2013
HK$’ 000 HK$’ 000
千港元 千港元
Loss for the year 年內虧損 (1,256) (464)
Other comprehensive income 其他全面收益 – –
Total comprehensive income 總全面收益 (1,256) (464)
20. 於一家合營企業之權益