Here was one of my suggestions and they agreed it
Post# of 487
Customer requests..
I am aware of this, the ships take on their provisions here in the USA and as we all know "Blue Water Rum" will be available in 2016 here. I am going to do my research with the cruise lines trying to get info for the proper contacts to make said requests "don't jump the gun" but with them trying to make the sales and with customer requests "Done correctly" should get BLUU on the ships in 2016, then it's to yet another level and yes they will be on it as soon as available, of course you can buy in St.Marrtens but once you get it on board it gets locked up until you dis-embark here is the USA.....
Like I said these guy's are on their game "No Pump" just an astute observation.
Disclaimer: Everything I said was true