I can't Recommend until I DO More DD! I will try
Post# of 1096

You seem like a very legitimate poster Burn.notice88 and have definitely intrigued m. No offense and nothing personal, but I never jus Recommend stuff, I will research this tonight and into tomorrow morning!
I am very Intrigued about this business! I just have to check out the shares, and how many there are, how much they should be worth etc... I am hoping that this is a great turnaround story, which at first glance it seems it may be!
I only recommend stocks that I have Done Proper DD on! I am not saying anything Positive or negative. I just have not had enough time to Review it yet!
I like your style though Burn.Notice88 including the good and bad is always the best way to go!
You can send me anything you have I you want if you think it will help me speed up my Process of looking into the company!
Thank you very much for your post!, I am also hoping that this is a great stock, so that we can al make money and prosper,