Cavity-Enhanced Two-Photon Interference using Remo
Post# of 22463

V. Giesz, S. L. Portalupi, T. Grange, C. Antón, L. De Santis, J. Demory, N. Somaschi, I. Sagnes, A. Lemaître, L. Lanco, A. Auffeves, P. Senellart
Comments: 5 pages, 4 figures (Supp. Mat. attached)
Subjects: Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics (cond-mat.mes-hall); Optics (physics.optics); Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
The generation of indistinguishable photons from a solid-state emitter like a semiconductor quantum dot is often limited by dephasing processes. It is known that accelerating the spontaneous emission of the quantum dot can greatly improve the indistinguishability of successively emitted photons. Here we show that cavity quantum electrodynamics can also efficiently improve the quantum interference between remote quantum dot sources. The quantum interference of photons emitted by two separate quantum dot-cavity devices is investigated both experimentally and theoretically. Controlling the spontaneous emission on one source is shown to efficiently overcome the detrimental effect of pure dephasing on the other one. Our experimental observations and calculations demonstrate that cavity quantum electrodynamics is a powerful tool for the scalability of a quantum dot-based quantum network.
This result is crucial for the scal-
ability of QD-based quantum networks, where the im-
perfections of one device can be eciently compensated
by a highly indistinguishable single-photon source with
a controlled lifetime. Contrary to common intuition, our
results demonstrate that the optimal photon coalescence
is not always obtained for sources with identical temporal
wavepackets.: from p.5