Thanks for posting this link! The following say
Post# of 9122
The following says it all:
"There exists an urgent need for the development of a rapid assay with high specificity and sensitivity, which allows for simultaneous identification of a pathogen and for determination of the pathogen's antimirobrial susceptibility."
"The present invention FULFILLS this need by providing a rapid enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, referred to N-Assay, which OVERCOMES THE SHORTCOMINGS OF CURRENT ASSAYS by providing a rapid assay with high sensitivity and specificity, for detection and identificatin of a microorganism in a sample in as little as 30 minutes or less as well as antimicrobial suspectibility of the microorganism."
I cannot see hospitals labs etc not wanting to use this technology. If I were to get sick with consequences, knowing that the N-Assay was not used in determining and curing the bug, I would sue.