PSGR....good post, informative for investors who are considering an investment in any mining project. With the Marcos Project (mining) of Pershing Resources, we are aware of the the testing of localized (i.e. company indentified/selected locations) ore samples and the subsequent assay results. Currently we do not know the extent of the ore body (surface/subsurface) nor do we know an expected extraction rate (e.g. oz/ton) from production. The information that has been provided by Pershing Resources was exceptionally positive for the SPECIFIC locations of testing. You are absolutely spot on with the need for the additional information you highlighted. Additional surface and subsurface sampling and testing (assays) are imperative to confirm the VALUE of the ore body (confirmed and inferred). I remain positive that a viable and profitable precious metals ore body exists at the Nevada minesite. We are at the Time & Money Stage of the Project. Time moves very slowly for the investor who awaits information; Money dictates the speed with which the operation proceeds. PATIENCE.
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