All this incessant complaining the core has .05 cent stock. Well here is the reality all thoselosers if they bought .0069 to .08 they would hae had 60% to 80% return in less then 14 trading days!!!!!! That's right they would not have to hold the require 6 months they had just 14 trading days to capitalize. The oly one tat did was cj smuckers who bought 26k at .082 sold at .10.
Bottom Line: The crustaceans had the ability to but em cheap and could have made 50% plus in less then 14 days. But here is the reality they would prefer thei time spent being critical every day instead of making $$$$$$. Gray sheets, no rapimeds, no cvs, etc etcetc. Well .0069 to .1180 is over 71% in less then 14 rading days without a restriction!!!! Well done ihubbers!!!!!!