Where\'s Yoder
Post# of 2297

That “settlement and exchange agreement” is only as good as the paper it was printed on..
To date we have NO notarized agreement or at least an attorney’s office that drafted the documents to allegedly “Sell” PSRU to Mr. Yoder. We have No idea which Nathan Yoder or who Nathan Yoder is that is supposedly experienced enough to run a company.
I have been undergoing an investigation to find our Mr. Yoder so far no matches on his signature and/or no positive ID on our mystery man. I know, Don’t worry about me I probably have months to conduct this search since this stock will go nowhere until our mystery man comes forward. From what I know thus far, my gut tells me, he currently lives in Phoenix, AZ. Not far from Wickenburg. He is also between the age of 30 and 45 or perhaps 50.
What I do Know….. See below (another different penny stock EGOH) not exactly a light weight, I believe at the time, this was well over 11% holding of this other company.
“(Pacific stock transfer co, Inc , Las Vagas) On August 15, 2013 the Eagle Oil Holding Company entered into a Debt Agreement with Nathan Yoder in Which 45,000,000 shares were subsequently issued.”